Project Academic Red - Game Design


The game is a sci-fi 3D top down twin stick shooter set in an abandoned futuristic facility. The player takes control of a droid that is tasked to survive waves of enemies and to destroy their spawns.


PC Windows and Android


The player is dropped inside the facility. Is equipped with a torchlight and a assault rifle. S/he needs to navigate this procedural generated space station and searches for the spawns of enemies. During exploration s/he fights off waves of enemies by shooting them. After all spawns are destroyed, the player needs to extract from the station to end the level.

Game loop

Level loop


  • Movement: WASD / Left Joystick
  • Aim: Mouse / Right Joystick


  • Health and Shield: The player will have a rechargeable shield. After depleting the shield, the player will take damage directly to its health. After a short time of not taking damage, the shield will fully recharge. Health can be restored using healing items scattered around the level.
  • Gunplay: The rifle shoots automatically in the direction the player is facing when an enemy is in range.
  • Torchlight: The space station is plunged in darkness. The player torchlight enlighten a small cone range in where the player faces.
  • Exploration: As the levels are generated, each time its layout will be different. The player needs to explore, navigate the level to find the objectives.
  • Waves: Periodically the not yet destroyed rifts will spawn a preset number of enemies, that will chase down and attack the player.
  • Rifts: Rifts are objectives on the level that the player needs to find and destroy. There are the spawn points of the enemies.
  • Extraction: After completing the objective the player needs to find an extraction point in order to leave and end the level.


The game is set in a abandoned facility. The main source of light will be the players torch. The facility will be have a sterile futuristic aesthetic.



The game will have a 3D low poly, simple geometry aesthetic. The UI will have a futuristic feel.


Base resolution: 1920 x 1080


During the level on the HUD will be displayed:

  • Health bar and shield bar of the player
  • Objective progression
  • Timer


Visual effects will be used for:

  • shooting
  • death
  • rift destruction


The game will have a short campaign divided into 5 levels. Each level will have a name and a target number of spawns to be destroyed. Harder enemies will be encountered in later levels. These parameters will be used to generate the levels.


There will be three types of enemies.

  • Small: low health and damage, high speed, spawns in swarms.
  • Medium: high health, low damage, medium speed, spawns in doubles.
  • Large: high health and damage, low speed, spawns alone.


The enemies will use NavMesh pathfinding to track down and swarm the player.



The game will have:

  • a main theme music playing in the main menu
  • an ambient soundtrack while exploring
  • a combat music for the waves


There will be sound effects for:

  • movement
  • shooting
  • enemies
  • kill
  • death
  • objective completion
  • rift destruction


  • R5 - Non-trivial use of at least 1 plugin: I will use DOTween for animations and UI.
  • R6 - Non-trivial use of Editor Extensions: I will create an extesion to tweak different parameters for procedural content generation.
  • C5 - Extensive use of Artificial Agents (AI) and NavMeshAgents: The enemies will follow the player and navigate on the NavMesh.
  • A1 - Implement Save/Load for your game. The user will be able to save their progress and load a previous save. There will be 3 save slots.
  • A4 – Use procedural content generation: I will be using Wave function collapse to generate each level. The level will be divided into rooms. The generation will happen after the level is selected in the main menu.

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