Project Academic Red - Prototype


The game is a sci-fi 3D top down twin stick shooter set in an abandoned futuristic facility. The player takes control of a droid that is tasked to survive waves of enemies and to destroy their spawns.


The game is an a prototype state now, let’s look at everything in it.

Game loop

Base game loop is working, the player can move through the level, surviving waves of enemies and locating rift, that the player needs to destroy.


Functioning with mouse & keybord and controller (except UI)

  • Movement: WASD /Left joystick

  • Aim: Mouse /Righ joystick

  • Shooting: Left mouse button / Right trigger

  • Pause game: esc / start

Implemented using the new Unity Input System [R7] image.png


Most of the mechanics are present in the prototype, some are on a other development branch.

  • Health and Shield: This is done. The player has a shield, that recharges after the player didn’t take damage for some time. If the Shield is depleted the player loses health. Damage can be healed by touching green healing orbs scattered around the level.
  • Gunplay: The rifle shoots after pressing the shoot button in the direction the player is facing. Automatic shooting will be implemented later.
  • Torchlight: This is available on an other dev branch and not present in the prototype.
  • Exploration: A basic level generator using Wave function collapse is working, but not yet connected to the rest of the game. The level present in the prototype is a manually post-processed generated level.
  • Waves: This works on a timer. In the future, it should be depending on how many enemies in the previous wave were killed.
  • Rifts: Functioning as intented.
  • Extraction: Not yet implemented.

Environment and Graphics

For now primitive geometry. Levels are constructed of tiles created in Blender. For rifts, enemies, weapon and player I still use basic geometry from Unity. The weapon of the player is modeled in Blender but not yet present in the prototype. image.png The player character is only sketched. AR_Robot_Player.jpg


Main menu, Pause menu, Health and Shield bar, Objective count, Death Screen. ui.png

VFX, Music, SFX

Not present


Can be generated, but aren’t connected to the rest of the game. Only one level is present, which was manually post-processed.



Only one enemy type is present, it navigates on the navmesh to the position of the player, and when in range shoots at the player.



  • [R1]: Playable on PC.
  • [R2]: Not yet…
  • [R3]: Playable on stable 60 FPS.
  • [R4]: UI scales to fit screen sizes.
  • [R5]: Using DOTtween for UI.
  • [R6]: Not yet…
  • [R7]: Using Input System.
  • [R8]: Using URP


  • [C5]: Enemies uses NavMesh to navigate the levels. Navmesh are baked after level generation.


  • [A1]: Not yet…
  • [A4]: Functioning base Wave Function Collapse.
  • [A5]: Is a 3D game.

Time distribution:



Academic Red - Prototype 30 MB
28 days ago

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